Complete Books

Complete Books

When students have successfully passed the print review process specified by the university. Students must submit a complete dissertation/dissertation/independent study book with the following processes and procedures:

1. Students record the complete file of their thesis/thesis/independent study in the electronic thesis repository system. (ETA-Electronic Theses Archive System). The intro file (PDF) must be inserted with the approval page signed by the examination committee.

2. Students submit documents to the Office of Graduate Studies as follows:

– In the case of students submitting for self-examination Students are required to submit the DGC12 petition form along with one original approval page (color printing only) and a copy that has been submitted for pre-binding.

– In the case of students submitting an online print review Students must submit a DGC12 petition form along with one original approval page (color printing only).

3. The Office of Graduate Studies examines the accuracy and completeness of the original DGC12 application form, approval page. and complete thesis/dissertation/independent study files in the electronic thesis archive system (ETA-Electronic Theses Archive System) and record the results of the complete book submission in the GRAD MIS system for 3 working days.

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