Announcement of Grant Recipients for Thesis and Dissertation Support for Academic Year 2/2024 (March 2025)

1. School of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine

      (1) Mr. Kittinut Chittipornsan (Master Degree Plan A2)

      (2) Miss Pimwarin Piriyasyangkul (Master Degree Plan A2)

2. School of Science

      (1) Miss Xingcan Peng (Doctoral Degree Plan 1.2)

      (2) Mr. Sirachuch Maungprasert (Master Degree Plan A2)

3. School of Applied Digital Technology

      (1) Miss Bunyarat Umsura (Doctoral Degree Plan 2.1)

      (2) Mr. Werapat Lapawong (Master Degree Plan A2)

4. School of Liberal Arts

      – Mr. Pyae Phyo (Doctoral Degree Plan 2.1)

5. School of Health Science

      – Miss Nurulhusna Awafloh (Master Degree Plan A2)

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